

深圳市瑞申電子有限公司是一家10年專業大功率電感生產加工廠商,主要以大功率,大電流、扁平線圈電感、平面變壓器設計、生產、銷售工廠。設計、繞線、組裝、檢測、包裝、出貨等全制程的工藝流程!擁有完整、科學的質量管理體系。專業技術團隊10人,我們的誠信、實力和產品質量獲得業界的認可。歡迎各界朋友蒞臨參觀、指導和業務洽談。 ...


時間:2015-08-16 06:43:53 點擊:

Maxim公司的71M6521DE/DH/FE電表系統級芯片(SoC),集成了MPU核,RTC,閃存和LCD .單轉換器技術具有22SigMa-Delta ADC,四個模擬輸入,數字溫度補償,精密基準電壓,電池電壓監視器和32位計算引擎(CE).本文介紹了71M6521DE/DH/FE主要特性,方框圖,71M6521演示板和調試板方塊圖,以及71M6521演示板主要指標,D6521T4A7/8/10演示板電路圖,材料清單和PCB布局圖.

The Teridian™ 71M6521DE/DH/FE energy meter ICs are highly integrated systems-on-a-chip (SoCs) with an MPU core, RTC, flash, and LCD driver. The Single Converter Technology® with a 22-bit delta-sigma ADC, four analog inputs, digital temperature compensation, precision voltage reference, battery voltage monitor, and 32-bit computation engine (CE) supports a wide range of residential metering applications with very few low-cost external components. A 32kHz crystal time base for the entire system and internal battery-backup support for RAM and RTC further reduce system cost. The ICs support 2-wire, 3-wire, and 4-wire single-phase and dual-phase residential metering along with tamper-detection mechanisms.

Maximum design flexibility is provided by multiple UARTs, I2C, MICROWIRE®, up to 18 DIO pins, and in-system programmable flash memory, which can be updated with data or application code in operation.

A complete array of ICE and development tools, programming libraries, and reference designs enable rapid development and certification of TOU, AMR, and prepay meters that comply with worldwide electricity metering standards.

The Teridian™ 71M6521DE/DH/FE energy meter ICs are highly integrated systems-on-a-chip (SoCs) with an MPU core, RTC, flash, and LCD driver. The Single Converter Technology® with a 22-bit delta-sigma ADC, four analog inputs, digital temperature compensation, precision voltage reference, battery voltage monitor, and 32-bit computation engine (CE) supports a wide range of residential metering applications with very few low-cost external components. A 32kHz crystal time base for the entire system and internal battery-backup support for RAM and RTC further reduce system cost. The ICs support 2-wire, 3-wire, and 4-wire single-phase and dual-phase residential metering along with tamper-detection mechanisms.

Maximum design flexibility is provided by multiple UARTs, I2C, MICROWIRE®, up to 18 DIO pins, and in-system programmable flash memory, which can be updated with data or application code in operation.

A complete array of ICE and development tools, programming libraries, and reference designs enable rapid development and certification of TOU, AMR, and prepay meters that comply with worldwide electricity metering standards.


• Up to 0.1% Wh Accuracy Over 2000:1 Current Range

• Exceeds IEC 62053/ANSI C 12.20 Standards

• Voltage Reference < 40 ppm/℃ (< 20ppm/℃ for 71M6521DH)

•Four Sensor Inputs—VDD Referenced

•Low-Jitter Wh and VARh Pulse Test Outputs (10kHz max)

•Pulse Count for Pulse Outputs

•Four-Quadrant Metering

•Tamper Detection

Neutral Current with CT or Shunt

•Line Frequency Count for RTC

•Digital Temperature Compensation

•Sag Detection for Phase A and B

•Independent 32-Bit Compute Engine

•46-64Hz Line Frequency Range with Same Calibration

•Phase Compensation (?7?)

•Battery backup for RTC and battery monitor

•Three Battery Modes with Wake-Up on Pushbutton or Timer:

Brownout Mode (48μA)

LCD Mode (5.7μA)

Sleep Mode (2.9μA)

•Energy Display on Main Power Failure

•Wake-Up with Pushbutton

•22-Bit Delta-Sigma ADC

•8-Bit MPU (80515), 1 Clock Cycle per Instruction with Integrated ICE for MPU Debug

•RTC with Temperature Compensation


•Hardware Watchdog Timer, Power-Fail Monitor

•LCD Driver (Up to 152 Pixels)

•Up to 18 General-Purpose I/O Pins

•32kHz Time Base

•16KB (6521DE/DH) or 32KB (6521FE) Flash with Security


•Two UARTs for IR and AMR

•Digital I/O Pins Compatible with 5V Inputs

•64-Pin LQFP or 68-Pin QFN Package

•Lead(Pb)-Free Packages



The TERIDIAN Semiconductor Corporation (TSC) 71M6521 Demo Board is an energy meter IC demonstration board for evaluating the 71M6521 device for single-phase electronic energy metering applications. It incorporates a 71M6521 integrated circuit, peripheral circuitry such as a serial EEPROM, emulator port, and on-board power supply as well as a companion Debug Board that allows a connection to a PC through a RS232 port. The Demo Board allows the evaluation of the 71M6521 energy meter controller chip for measurement accuracy and overall system use. The board is pre-programmed with a Demo Program (file name 6521_demo.hex) in the FLASH memory of the 71M6521 IC. This embedded application is developed to exercise all low-level functions to directly manage the peripherals and CPU (clock, timing, power savings, etc.). 大功率電感廠家 |大電流電感工廠

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