

深圳市瑞申電子有限公司是一家10年專業大功率電感生產加工廠商,主要以大功率,大電流、扁平線圈電感、平面變壓器設計、生產、銷售工廠。設計、繞線、組裝、檢測、包裝、出貨等全制程的工藝流程!擁有完整、科學的質量管理體系。專業技術團隊10人,我們的誠信、實力和產品質量獲得業界的認可。歡迎各界朋友蒞臨參觀、指導和業務洽談。 ...


時間:2015-08-14 06:22:49 點擊:
放大器" title="放大器">放大器" title="放大器">放大器,汽車處理器,DTV,MP3塢站,AVR和DVD RX, DSP控制的揚聲器.本文介紹了CS470xx 系列主要特性,方框圖,CDB47xxxS主板方框圖,電路圖與主要元件, CDB47xxx-DC48子板方框圖,電路圖與主要元件.

The CS470xx DSP is designed to provide high-performance post-processing and mixing of analog and digital audio. Dual clock domains are supported when the DAI and SPDIF RX inputs are used together. Integrated sample rate converters (SRCs) allow audio streams with different sample rates to be mixed. The low-power standby preserves battery life for applications that are always on, but not necessarily processing audio, such as automotive audio systems.

The CS470xx family is a new generation of audio system-on-a-chip (ASOC) processors targeted at high fidelity, cost sensitive designs. Derived from the highly successful CS48500 32-bit fixed-point audio enhancement processor family, the CS470xx further simplifies system design and reduces total system cost by integrating the S/PDIF Rx, S/PDIF Tx, analog inputs, analog outputs, and SRCs. For example, a hardware SRC can down-sample a 192 kHz S/PDIF stream to a lower Fs to reduce memory and MIPS requirements for processing. This integration effectively reduces the chip count from 3 to 1, which allows smaller, less expensive board designs.

CS470xx 系列典型應用:

? Automotive head units and outboard amplifiers

? Automotive processors and automotive integration hubs

? Digital TV

? MP3 docking stations

? AVR and DVD RX

? DSP controlled speakers (subwoofers, sound bars)

The CS470xx is programmed using the simple yet powerful Cirrus proprietary DSP Composer™ GUI development and pre-production tuning tool. Processing chains can be designed using a drag-and-drop interface to place/utilize functional macro audio DSP primitives and custom audio filtering blocks. The end result is a software image that is downloaded to the DSP via serial control port.

The Cirrus Framework™ programming environment offers Assembly and C language compilers and other software development tools for porting existing code to the CS470xx family platform.

The CS470xx is available in a 100-pin LQFP package with exposed pad for better thermal characteristics. Both Commercial (0°C to +70°C) and Automotive (–40℃ to +貼片電感 85℃) temperature grades.

CS470xx 系列主要特性:

? Cost-effective, High-performance 32-bit DSP

? 300,000,000 MAC/S (multiply accumulates per second)

? Dual MAC cycles per clock

? 72-bit accumulators are the highest precision in the industry

? 32K x 32-bit SRAM with three 2K blocks assignable to either Y data or program memory

? Integrated DAC and ADC Functionality

? 8† Channels of 24-bit DAC output: 108dB DR, –98 dB THD+N

? 4† Channels of 24-bit ADC input: 105dB DR, –98 dB THD+N

? Integrated 5:1 analog mux feeds one stereo ADC

? Configurable Se一體成型貼片電感rial Audio Inputs and Outputs

? Integrated 192 kHz S/PDIF Rx

? Integrated 192 kHz S/PDIF Tx

? Supports 32-bit serial data @ 192 kHz

? Supports 32-bit audio sample I/O between DSP chips

? TDM I/O modes

? Supports Different Sample Rates (Fs)

? Three integrated hardware SRC blocks

? Output can be master or slave

? Supports dual-domain Fs on S/PDIF vs. I²S inputs

? DSP Tool Set with Private Keys Protect Customer IP

? Integrated Clock Manager/PLL

? Flexibility to operate from internal PLL, external crystal, external oscillator

? Input Fs Auto Detection w/ μC Acknowledgement

? Host Control and Boot via I²C™ or SPI™ Serial Interface

? Configurable GPIOs and External Interrupt Input

? 1.8V Core and a 3.3V I/O that is tolerant to 5V input

? Low-power Mode




大功率電感廠家 |大電流電感工廠
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